In Cauda Venenum is a registered trademark Trade and Companies Register of Annecy.

SIRET: 93275717200014
APE: 3213Z



    The site In Cauda Venenum is hosted by the Shopify company.

    Headquarters: 150 Elgin Street, 8th Floor Ottawa, ON, Canada K2P 1L4



    The Dpersonal data and information that In Cauda Venenum asks you to provide it are reserved for its use. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data that concerns you (Art. 38 to 40 of Law No. 78-17 Data Protection). To exercise this right, please contact In Cauda Venenum by email to attaching a copy of your identity document to identify you.



    In Cauda Venenum is a trademark registered with the INPI.

    The models, jewelry, accessories, photos, objects and images offered by the site are the property of In Cauda Venenum and are protected by intellectual property law.

    The Customer acknowledges that the use he can make of the products ordered is limited to use in accordance with their destination.

    Pursuant to the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, the laws and regulations of all countries and international conventions, any representation and / or reproduction, use, distribution, edition, exploitation by anyone, in whole or in part, of any of the items mentioned above, made without the prior written consent of In Cauda Venenum is prohibited and constituting an infringement which may be penalized and civilly sanctioned.